Advantages of In-Person Security for Businesses

All businesses, large and small, can be the victims of crime. In particular, smaller enterprises can suffer from problems with theft and criminal damage because they don't have the resources to handle their business insurance costs, which tend to go up following a claim. Having said that, all types of business can get into trouble if members of the public or employees are injured as a result of criminal activities on the premises.

Keep Your Family Safe

We all want to feel safe in our own homes and to ensure our families and our property are protected.  Perhaps one of the greatest fears is the threat of our loved ones being harmed during a home invasion.  However, household burglary is one of the most common crimes in Australia, with almost 200,000 home burglaries recorded every year.  According to a report released by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, the most commonly stolen items are money, jewellery, laptops, cameras, mobile phones, wallets and credit cards.

Four Questions You Should Ask Before Buying Security Screens

Security screens can give you peace of mind because it will be harder for intruders to break into your home. However, you can only get to enjoy those benefits if you select the right screens. This article discusses some key questions that can help you to get the most appropriate security screens for your home. Can the Screens Be Painted? It may be hard to get security screens whose mesh is a match for the colour theme of your home.

Three ways to protect your home from burglars

Having your house burglarised can be an incredibly distressing experience. Here are three things you can do to protect your home from burglars. Install a home security system Most home security systems include security cameras, motion sensors, a high-decibel alarm and a control panel. Together, these components help to secure the entry points to a property, detect and alert homeowners to the presence of intruders, and scare away burglars before they have a chance to ransack a property.